Hey there fellow mount collectors! Are you looking for the best ways to obtain rare and exotic mounts? Well, if so then you’ve come to the right place. I’m here to share my knowledge of collecting mounts with all of ya’ll so that you can get your hands on those highly sought after items. In this guide, we’re gonna go over everything from what types of mounts are out there to how to make sure they stay safe in storage. So let’s dive into it and start learning about obtaining rare and exotic mounts!
Mount collecting is a hobby that has been around since before anyone can remember and continues to gain popularity today. People have always had an eye for beautiful things, especially when it comes to animals, which makes mounting them even more desirable. As technology advances, so does our ability to capture these creatures in their natural environment and display them as works of art in our homes or offices. With that said, let’s take a look at some of the different categories of mounts that exist and where you might find them.
From rhinos mounted on walls in Africa to sharks suspended mid-air above pools in aquariums, there are plenty of options for unique displays around the world. But if you really want something special, then you need to focus your search on rare and exotic mounts like those found only in certain regions or from specific vendors who specialize in such pieces. Now obviously finding one isn’t easy but fear not; we’ll be discussing exactly how you can do just that later down the line. So keep reading because this collector’s guide will show you everything you need to know about obtaining rare and exotic mounts!
Understanding Mounts
As a mount collector, you understand the appeal of rare and exotic mounts. But understanding their characteristics, types, features and attributes is key to making sure that your collecting efforts are successful. Mounts come in all sorts of shapes and sizes; some may be small while others are large. Each type has its own unique characteristics, such as speed or carrying capacity. And certain mounts can only be obtained through special methods, like quests or trading with other collectors. This makes them highly sought-after by those looking to add something truly special to their collection.
Additionally, it’s important to remember that each mount also has its own rarity level – from common to legendary. Knowing how difficult it might be to obtain one will help you plan ahead for future acquisitions. Understanding mount features and attributes will also give you an advantage when deciding which ones best fit your needs and interests. With this knowledge at hand, you’ll have everything you need to begin your journey as a mount collector! Now let’s move onto learning more about the different types of mounts available…
Types Of Mounts

Mount collecting is like a game of chess where each move leads to the next. It’s about strategically getting the right mount for your collection. There are five main types of mounts that collectors can choose from – flying, ground, aquatic, mechanical and spirit mounts. Flying mounts such as horses or pegasi allow riders to traverse the skies with speed and agility; while ground mounts including wolves and mammoths provide fast travel on land with their powerful strides. For those who prefer water-based rides, there are aquatic mounts like seahorses and dolphins which glide effortlessly through oceans and lakes alike. Mechanical creatures such as robots offer an intriguing alternative for tech-savvy adventurers; while spirit mounts, like phoenixes or dragons, embody strength and courage in one majestic form. With so many options available at your disposal, it’s time to explore where you can acquire them!
Where To Acquire Them
Now that you know the types of mounts available, it’s time to learn where to acquire them. As a mount collector, there are several ways you can obtain rare and exotic mounts for your collection.
The first place to check is online auction sites like eBay or Craigslist. You may be able to find some great deals on rare mounts from other collectors who are looking to part with their collections. However, you should always take extra caution when purchasing items from these sites as they may not be genuine or even in good condition.
Another option is to purchase directly from specialized shops or websites that specialize in selling mounts. These stores often have access to high-end pieces and carry products from trusted manufacturers such as Breyer and CollectA. They also offer secure payment methods so you can feel confident about making purchases online. Finally, if you’re feeling adventurous, you could look into crafting your own unique mount using materials found around your home!
Crafting Rare Mounts

Are you a mount enthusiast looking for the most unusual and exotic mounts? Crafting rare mounts is an exciting way to obtain them! Whether it’s mount crafting, gathering or creation, there are many routes available to acquire these coveted creatures.
Start by researching recipes that use materials found in your environment. It could be anything from plant matter to animal parts – all of which can be combined with other items to make unique mounts. Gather what you need and begin experimenting with different combinations until you get one that works. With enough patience and perseverance, you’ll eventually come up with a successful recipe for creating something truly extraordinary.
With the right combination of ingredients, tools and techniques, craft-savvy collectors may find themselves on their way towards collecting some of the rarest and most sought after mounts around. Now that you have created your very own masterpieces, it’s time to put them into action!
Trading For Exotic Mounts
I’m sure many of you have heard about trading mounts with other players. It’s a great way to get your hands on some rare and exotic mounts! Trading is one of the most popular methods of mount acquisition, so it pays to know how to make those trades work in your favor.
First off, determine what value each mount holds – this can be done by researching its stats and assessing market values for similar mounts. Once you’ve got that figured out, set up an agreed-upon trade value for both parties involved. Doing your research ensures that you’re getting the best deal possible when trading mounts. Additionally, keep in mind any reputation boosts or discounts given by vendors who offer rare and exotic mounts; these can help drive down costs even further.
Now that you know how to go about trading for exotic mounts, it’s time to start gaining reputation with vendors who may offer them!
Gaining Reputation With Vendors
Gaining reputation with vendors is an important part of the mount collecting process. Reputation with certain vendors unlocks rewards that can help you gain rare and exotic mounts. Here are some tips for gaining vendor reputation quickly:
- Complete their daily quests – Daily quest completion gives a nice boost to your reputation with any given vendor, so make sure to keep up-to-date on what they have available!
- Participate in seasonal events – Many vendors offer special items during specific holidays or seasons, which can be a great way to unlock new mounts and build up your reputations even faster.
- Grind mobs and dungeons – Grinding mobs in order to collect loot drops from them or completing dungeons can give you bonus points towards unlocking vendor rewards. This method takes time but it’s worth it if you’re looking for something unique!
- Buy vendor tokens – Some vendors sell special tokens that will increase your reputations with them when used. These can be bought either directly from the vendor or through other currency exchange services like Auction Houses.
- Trade with players – Trading items or currencies with other players who have already unlocked certain rewards from a particular vendor can save you time and effort in earning those same rewards yourself.
These methods should help get you started in building up your reputations with vendors so that you’ll be able to take advantage of all the rewards that come along with it. Now let’s move onto tracking and collecting the different mounts available…
Tracking And Collecting

Tracking down and collecting rare and exotic mounts can be a challenging task. However, it is also an incredibly rewarding experience for any mount collector. To make the process easier, there are some tips to keep in mind when tracking and collecting mounts.
First, determine which type of rare or exotic mount you would like to collect. Knowing what kind of mount you want will narrow your search significantly as well as guide you towards more reliable sources for acquiring them. Once you have identified the type of mount that interests you, begin researching where they can found and how much they typically cost. This knowledge will help prepare you if ever come across one while searching online stores or even in person at local events such as conventions or auctions. Finally, always remember to double check all information from sellers before making a purchase; verify their authenticity and ask questions about condition just to be safe!
Frequently Asked Questions
What Is The Most Expensive Mount To Obtain?
Mount collecting is a fascinating and sometimes costly hobby. The rarest, most exotic mounts can be the costliest to obtain – but that doesn’t stop eager collectors from pursuing them! For those looking for the priciest mount out there, look no further than the one known as ‘The Imperial Horse’. This majestic creature is believed to have originated in an ancient kingdom and its acquisition will require a generous sum.
Aside from its rarity, what makes this mount so special? Not only is it said to possess extraordinary speed and strength, but also incredible grace and agility. It’s rumored that the horse descended from a royal bloodline and has been passed down through generations of noble families. Its acquisition will not come without dedication; however, with enough time and effort, even the most price-conscious collector may find success in obtaining such an exquisite specimen of equine beauty.
No matter how much or little you are willing to spend on your mount collection, it’s important to remember that each piece comes with its own unique story. Aspiring collectors should take their time researching before committing to any purchase – especially when dealing with rarer breeds like ‘The Imperial Horse’. With patience and perseverance, they’ll soon discover just why these majestic creatures command such high prices.
Is It Possible To Breed Certain Mounts?
Is it possible to breed certain mounts? This is a common question among mount collectors, as many are keen to create their own rare and exotic mounts. Breeding mounts can be an expensive endeavor, but one that pays off in the long run if done correctly. In order to successfully breed new mounts, there must be access to both parental sources of the desired species or breeds. Buying these parents can often be more expensive than simply buying a fully-grown mount outright; however, breeding two different types of mounts together also has its advantages. Not only will this generate another mount for your collection, you may even get lucky and produce something entirely unique!
When attempting to breed rare and exotic mounts, it’s important to consider all aspects involved in creating them. You’ll need reliable sources for purchasing any necessary supplies such as food and other materials needed for successful breeding. Additionally, depending on the type of mount you’re trying to breed, you may require special expertise from experienced professionals who specialize in caring for specific types of creatures – which could add additional costs. With careful planning and research though, anyone with enough dedication can find ways to successfully breed rare and exotic mounts at home without breaking the bank.
Is There A Limit To How Many Mounts I Can Own?
Well, isn’t that the million dollar question?! If you’re like me – a passionate mount collector – then it’s pretty obvious that we all want to own as many mounts as possible! But is there really a limit on how many mounts I can have in my collection?
Surprisingly enough, yes. While some of us wish there was no cap on our mount ownership dreams, unfortunately there are limits set by game developers when it comes to acquiring and owning certain mounts. This means that while your passion for collecting may be insatiable, your mount collection will eventually hit its maximum capacity. Still, this doesn’t mean you won’t find ways around the mount acquisition limit if you know where to look! After all, creativity knows no bounds when it comes to obtaining rare and exotic creatures in-game. With a little bit of research and luck, you just might come across an elusive creature or two with which to add to your already impressive stable of mounts!
Is There An Established Market For Mount Trading?
When it comes to mount collecting, many collectors are curious about whether or not there is an established market for trading mounts. The answer is yes! In fact, mounting trading has become a popular activity amongst those looking to obtain rare and exotic mounts.
With the help of online communities devoted to mount collecting, such as specialized forums and social media groups, collector’s have been able to connect with one another in order to buy, sell, and trade their mounts. This allows them access to amazing specimens that they may otherwise never had found on their own. It also provides an opportunity for those who wish to part ways with some of their prized possessions while garnering something new in return.
In addition, certain websites have sprung up dedicated solely to facilitating the exchange of rare and exotic mounts between collectors. This makes finding what you need much easier than ever before – so long as you know where to look! With all these resources available at your fingertips, collecting rare and exotic mounts just got a whole lot more interesting.
What Is The Best Way To Store A Large Mount Collection?
Storing a large mount collection can be quite the challenge! It’s important to have an organized system for storing and displaying all of your rare and exotic mounts. There are several ways you can go about organizing and maintaining your collection, including:
- Mount Storage – Investing in quality storage bags or boxes is essential for keeping your mounts safe from dust and pests. You’ll want to make sure they’re big enough to hold any larger pieces in your collection as well.
- Mount Organization – Creating labels and writing down information on each of your mounts will help you stay organized when searching through your collection or trading with other collectors.
- Large Mounts – If you have bulky items that won’t fit into standard storage containers, consider hanging them from the wall or ceiling so that everyone can appreciate their beauty without taking up too much room in the house.
- Mount Display – Setting aside space specifically for displaying certain parts of your mount collection gives it a sense of importance and allows others to admire its rarity.
When it comes to managing a large mount collection, there are plenty of options available depending on what works best for you personally and financially. With proper planning, organization, and protection, you’ll be able to keep track of every piece in your collection while preserving its integrity over time.

The world of mount collecting is a vast and fascinating one, with so much to learn and explore. Having the right knowledge can make all the difference in obtaining rare and exotic mounts for your collection.
From knowing which are the most expensive mounts to obtain, whether it’s possible to breed certain breeds, understanding if there is a limit to how many mounts you can own or an established market for trading them – these are all important factors that we must consider as collectors. And lastly, having the best way to store our prized collections is also key when amassing large numbers of mounts!
Collecting unique and amazing creatures from far away lands has become a popular hobby over recent years – and I hope this guide has helped shed some light on what it takes to build an impressive collection. With patience, dedication and the right information at hand, anyone can make their dreams come true!